Epinephrine Options Poster

Type: Food Allergy
Price: $6.50
Poster - 8.5"x11" OR 18"x24":


Epinephrine Options Poster

This laminated poster is currently only available as 8.5"x11" ($6.50).

Shipping is INCLUDED in the cost of the poster.

Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. Use epinephrine as soon as you notice symptoms. This poster provides information on current* epinephrine options available in the United States market.

*Please note this list is current as of February 2024. It is subject to change.


A free PDF of the poster (8.5"x11") is available here to view, download, or print. You will also receive a download link in your receipt email sent after checkout.

If you are from a public health department or health clinic and would like print ready files, please Contact Us


This product is available for U.S. shipping only. For international orders, please Contact Us for a quote on postage.


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